Compulsions can be changed using the mind

Continued from 4/30 post

When you say “don’t do something”  your unconscious mind forms a picture of exactly what you are saying not to do.  The more Russell thought about not swearing, the more his mind pictured him swearing.  This is what led to his feeling as if his mind was compelled to do exactly what he was told not to do.

There are was of speaking that you can use so your unconscious mind will lead you to what gain what you want. There are ways of sending messages to the unconscious that will program what you want instead of what you don’t want.

Imagine using the mind to program in compelling thoughts that would motivate you to do something you would like to do.   Like exercising, moving ahead on a business plan, or any other goal that is important to you.

The first step is to put your thoughts in the positive.  Say what you want instead of what you don’t want.  So in the golf example, instead of staying “don’t hit into the sand trap”, the golfer would say “I’m going to hit the ball onto the green.”  Although the ball might not actually get on the green,  it has a much better change of going in the direction of the green.

When you say what you want your mind creates a picture of what you want to happen. This picture is very powerful.  Some people use positive statements to re-program old thoughts.  If you add a picture of yourself doing the activity just how you “wish” it would be, you are adding to the power of the message to the unconscious mind.

By learning how to create messages in the way that your unconscious can follow you are beginning to gain control of getting more of what you want in life.  For more information on learning how to using your mind to work for you instead of against you sign in at the top right side of this page.

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