Conquering Fear and Procrastination – part 2

This is the 2nd of a 3 part post on causes and ways to change procrastination.  When people come to my classes over 60% of them reveal that they believe that procrastination means that they are inherently lazy or unproductive.  Yet, when we start talking about how they live, we find that these same people are able to juggle many of life’s challenges with ease.

The people who find there way to my office or seminars are usually high achievers, and in many cases very successful in their careers and life.   So procrastination has nothing to do with being inept, lazy or apathetic.

It is actually just the opposite.  For most people procrastination is caused by FEAR.  Fear can come from early childhood experiences, and the beliefs a child forms because of them.  It is a pity that so many talented, intelligent people secretly carry around fear at the deepest level of their unconscious mind. Old childhood emotions can create many hurdles, and unnecessary fear that the adult needs to push through, as they move through life.   Old patterns of thinking as well as childhood coping skills, may not be working for the adult, but because they were set in childhood, they are triggered automatically by life events.

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