Conquering Fear and Procrastination – part 3

This the 3rd post on how fear and procrastination is caused by thoughts going to the mind.  At times you might even be aware of an old pattern surfacing.  Sometimes you might be aware of the negative “voice” playing in the background of your mind.  But many times a thought passes through the mind so quickly, you are not even aware that you just had a thought.  

The result is the same, the body reacts with tension.  Perhaps you have noticed the tightness in the gut, or your heart pounding seemingly for now reason, there is always a trigger for these reactions and the “background thoughts” can also cause us to doubt our own abilities.  No matter how successful you are, when these old negative thoughts surface, at some level you believe the “words” running like a recording in the mind.   They hit us at a deep level, triggering the “child” part of us to once again feel the feelings of insecurity and fear.  Although today we have many more skills and may be feeling powerful and successful when these old thoughts hit, it bring out the inner child with all the old unresolved beliefs.  

This can be changed; you have learned a lot that the “child you” didn’t have and you no longer need to have old childhood patterns running in the “back on your mind.”

I have many hundreds of people who had learned the skills for reprogramming reactions they not longer wanted.  One of my clients is a top-level executive who is highly. . .    to be continued.

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