Creating a calming trance state – Exercise 1

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Exercise: How to create a state of trance quickly and easily

Just allow yourself to begin to notice where you are right now.  If you are sitting in a chair or resting in bed, just become aware of the feeling of the support under you.  Without trying to do anything, no need to relax,  just notice how it feels to be supported by the chair or bed you are in right now.

Notice how it feels where your legs touch the supporting chair or bed under you. . .   and as you notice the feeling of your legs touching the chair begin to pay attention to the feeling of your arms . . . if you haven’t already done so, rest them in your lap or on the chair.  .  .  And as you notice the feeling of the support under the different parts of your body you are ready to move to the next part of this learning . . .

If you would like . . .  allow you eyes to close . . .   or  if you  prefer keep them open until they are ready to close . . .

Begin to focus on your the tip of you nose as you notice the air moving in. . . and out. . .

Not trying to make anything happen at all. . .   Just focusing your breath,  as you breath in . . .   and out. . .      Now, imagine a beautiful light surrounding you . . .    without any effort notice the color. . .   and with your next breath inhale this light. . .  let this  beautiful healing light move throughout your body and mind.  Filling you with its healing glow, easily without any conscious effort, just breathing .  .   and on each inhalation let the light fill you with its’ infinite source of comfort and healing.   And on you next exhalation just let go . . .  releasing your breath . . .  being curious as you once again breath in this infinite source of light that is surrounding you.  . .  beautiful light filling you up.   And as you notice the color of light you all around you. . .  you can know that your unconscious mind has picked the very color you need.  . . .  Every color has its’ own positive vibration.  And the color may change with each practice or it might stay the same.  Trust you own unconscious mind to choose the color  that will give you what you most need at the time,  white. . .  pink. . .   blue. . .    red. . . . orange. .  . .  yellow. . .   violet. . .  each hold a different and positive vibration.  You might come up with even more variation of color as you practice . . whatever color you have chosen is just what you need for now.  Trust your own unconscious mind to give you what you need.

Notice the feelings in your body with each inhalation of color . . .  Perhaps you’ll feel it as a tingling in you hands or feet. . .  or it may feel like a vibration moving through you or you might already be feeling a calm or peaceful feeling . . .   Spend a few more moments . . . for as long as you choose . . . Taking all the time you need. . . to enjoy the feelings of peace and serenity before you begin to come back to the present . . .

Then when you are ready begin to let you mind drift back. . .  noticing the feelings . . .   as you are filled with the infinite source of healing light.. .   Coming  all the way back. . .
gently  back to the “present” sitting in the chair or bed you are in being curious about this experience.

How was that?  Ok would you like to go even deeper?  Do you have any questions before going deeper into trance?  Ok, so once again feel the chair underneath you . . .  not trying to make anything happen just staying curious as we move to the next part of your learning.

Allow you eyes to Close gently resting your hands on your thighs or on the arms of the chair or whatever is comfortable for you. . .   take a deep breath in  . . .  and  out. . .  ( note make sure you are watching their breath so you say in on the inhale and out on the exhale. Or sometimes I find it helpful to just speak on the exhale)

Inhale…..and exhale.  Notice your breathing.   Take a deep breath in…. and now out.  As you exhale release any tension . . .  any stress. . . from any part of your body . . . or  mind  letting it flow out with the breath letting the tension go with the breath.  Letting any thoughts moving through your mind come and go as they begin to wind down. . .    down, wind down. . .

You might even have begun to notice the muscles in your face are smoothing out, let your teeth part as your jaw becomes relaxed  Feel

Just drifting and floating deeper and deeper let all of the muscles in your face get smooth, smooth and relaxed.  As you rest your eyes allowing your eyelids to be heavy, so heavy, so relaxed.   And with each moment spent in this beginning trance state you can find that the muscles in the back of your neck and shoulders relax, like a heavy weight has been lifted off your shoulders. . . and you can begin to  feel lighter and more relaxed.

As all the muscles in the back of your neck and shoulders are releasing tension you can feel the soothing relaxation move down your back, down, down, down to the lower part of your back, and those muscles too release and relax.

With every breath you inhale feel your body drifting, floating, down deeper . . .   deeper . . .. down deeper . . . into total relaxation.  Let your muscles go relaxing more and more.  Let all of the muscles in your shoulders, running down your arms to your fingertips, relax,  And you might find that your arms are feeling so heavy, or they might feel like the are floating.   How are your arms feeling?   so  heavy?   so heavy, so heavy,  or light as a feather as you go into this nice state of trance,  so comfortable, so easy.  You might already have noticed that there is a  tingling in your fingertips.  or you may be feeling a warmth in the palms of your hands  or you  might be feeling that you can barely lift your arms.  All of this is an indication that you are going into trance.

Have you noticed any changes in you body yet?  That is perfectly right for you, just  take a nice deep, cleansing breath and with this breath  your chest muscles begin to relax and with your next exhalation feel the breath releasing the tension in the muscles of your stomach, just letting go going deeper and deeper.  Now begin to focus on the muscles in your legs and with the next breath, they become so completely relaxed right to tips of your toes.

Notice the feeling in your body as you  just drift and float, deeper, deeper, deeper into the state of curiosity and wonder.

And as you are relaxing deeper and deeper image a staircase.  When you see the staircase let me know if it is made of wood, or cement or stone?  What is the staircase made of.  The steps of your staircase lead you to a special and peaceful and beautiful place.

In a moment you can begin to move down the steps towards this beautiful and peaceful place. . .  Taking a gentle and easy step down . . .down, down . . . the staircase . . . .leading to a beautiful, peaceful place.  And when you get down the stairs all the way down you will find a very special place, that is there just for you.   moving down each step as I count from 10 to 1.  With each step down . . .  your mind and body gently drifts with each step, moving toward this place  of peace and serenity.  counting 10… step down,   even deeper, 9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2…1.  Deeper, deeper, deeper . . .

And as you step into this place, tremendous feelings of peacefulness…  tranquility … safety… serenity are completely surround you.

Let me know about your special place. (Lisa, if no answer then give suggestions ) notice if it is a beach … with clean fresh salty air… or is your place in the mountains, perhaps you can the brook flowing in the distance.  …

This is the most restful, enhancing place in for you.  As you Imagine yourself there, you can feel that sense of peace flow through you, enjoying the sense of well-being. . .   ,  enjoy these feelings knowing they will stay with you long after this session is completed.  Keeping what you like for the rest of this day, and in the days and weeks to come.  And with each moment you spend in this place the feelings of serenity, peace and joy continue to grow stronger, and stronger, feeling at peace with a sense of well-being,

And I want you to know that You can go to your special place anytime you want to recharge, to relax or to be filled with serenity.   And as you are filled with these wondrous feelings they stay with you enabling you to  find that tension and stresses will bounce off and away from you,… off and away from you in the days and weeks to come.  and  the positive feelings can stay with you becoming stronger and stronger each time you think about this special place.