Dealing with Fear and Anxiety

It’s amazing the things I hear every day in such common places as restaurants, bookstores, or even in the doctor’s waiting room.  There are so many people out there who suffer from panic attacks or know someone who does.  Just the other day, I overheard a conversation between a few women, one of whom couldn’t go over the bridge because of her intense, uncontrollable fear.

I specialize in helping people with Anxiety disorders and I wished I could just go over and tell her that help is available.  I tried to think of a way to slip her a brochure without intruding, but there was no appropriate way I could think of to do this and I left without saying a word.

This article is for her and the millions of people like her to let them know that there is help.  Panic disorder can take many forms.  Its victims may be afraid to fly, to go in an elevator, to drive, to speak in a group, to eat in public, to have  a needed medical test, to go to the dentist, and the list goes on.

For victims of panic attacks, even doing everyday tasks such as waiting a grocery store line, can feel like a life and death situation. 

How can anyone live a full and happy life with panic attacks?

According to the U.S. Department of Health, over three million people suffer from panic attacks. 

They describe their symptoms as:

* Racing or pounding heart
* Shortness of breath
* Dizziness, lightheadedness, or nausea
* Flushes or chills
* Shakiness inside
* Fear of losing control or doing something embarrassing
* Terror
*A feeling that something catastrophic is about to happen and being unable to stop it
* Fear of going crazy or dying

Getting Help with Hypnosis

There are many therapists like myself who specialize in the treatment of Anxiety Attacks and Phobias. So many, in fact, that it might seem impossible to choose one.  To make this important task easier, follow these simple steps.

1.  Find out what kind of therapy is used. 

Some therapists use hypnosis for quick results.  Others use more drawn out therapy.  Some, like myself, choose the technique on a client by client basis.  You have the right to know what techniques the therapist is going to use, and how long you are likely to be in therapy.  Any good therapist will be happy to patiently explain their system to you over the phone.  Don’t get caught up in big words and fancy systems.  Insist on being told exactly what is involved, and most importantly, choose a therapist whose system you are comfortable with.

2.  Trust your instincts. 

Talk to the therapist on the phone before you have your first appointment.  A good therapist will offer a free telephone consultation to get to know you and to explain their system.  You should feel comfortable talking to the therapist, who should be patient and friendly.  This is the most important thing.  You cannot get better by talking to someone who intimidates you.

3.  Once you find a therapist with whom you are comfortable, schedule an appointment.  It’s that easy to get help!

Whether you call the Anxiety Control Center or not, make sure you get help.  There are many therapists out there who can help you.  Don’t suffer for one more minute!  Schedule an appointment!  For more information about Panic, Phobias and the many ways available to get relief, schedule a consultation – It’s free and you will get your questions answered!

If you are ready to get rid of your panic attacks, let’s discuss.
You can schedule a Free Consultation by clicking the link below and choosing a day/time:
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