Getting free of self-doubt #2

This is the second in the getting free of self-doubt and creating self confidence series.

Think about the last time you began to doubt yourself.  What were you working on or tying to do?

As you think back to that memory, pay attention to the thoughts going through your mind: right before the self-doubt surfaced.  You will notice that there is a thought or a “little voice” in the back of your mind, saying something that begins the self-doubt process.

The “little voice” typically isn’t a kind or supportive one.  No, this “little voice” will focus on any doubts or limiting beliefs you have buried in you unconscious.

Most of us have made mistakes in our lives.  The thoughts that “take us down” might take us back to the uncomfortable feelings about our mistakes.  Or they might focus on areas where we haven’t been as successful as we hoped to be.

But, how else can we learn unless we risk doing something new.  And with new endeavors we sometimes do have less than perfect success. The problem is that when you focus on all of the negatives that might happen, it puts you in a less than optimal state for doing  or learning something new.

To be continued tomorrow. . .

Would you like to learn how to stay centered and calm?
Begin today by downloading your first “tool” for
getting your own mind into a calm receptive state.
And then join us for the coaching class that shows you how.

Sign in at the top right side of this page

You will get the instructions to 2 exercises.
1. A powerful breathing exercise
to change your state of mind,
2. A second exercise
to help change negative thinking.

So do this now, download
the easy to learn exercises
by signing in at the upper right side of this page.
You will be sent the written instructions as a PDF.

If you would like to learn
using other techniques from the Transformation System
to quiet stress and anxiety
go to action ends procrastination

Our next class is on
January 21,  2011.
Looking forward to you becoming a part
this supportive online community.

Would you like to learn how to stay centered and calm?
Begin today by downloading your first “tool” for
getting your own mind into a calm receptive state.
And then join us for the coaching class that shows you how.

Sign in at the top right side of this page

You will get the instructions to 2 exercises.
1. A powerful breathing exercise
to change your state of mind,
2. A second exercise
to help change negative thinking.

So do this now, download
the easy to learn exercises
by signing in at the upper right side of this page.
You will be sent the written instructions as a PDF.

If you would like to learn
using other techniques from the Transformation System
to quiet stress and anxiety
go to action ends procrastination

Our next class is on
January 21,  2011.
Looking forward to having you become a part
this supportive online community.