Getting Free of Self-doubt #4

This is the 4th post in the getting free of self-doubt series.

Let’s look at an example of how one of my clients began to change the problem of self-doubt.  I’ll call him James for this example.  James is the founder of a number of successful companies.  He came to the Anxiety Control Center for his first session because of self-doubt.  No one looking at him or speaking to him would ever guess that he could have a problem or suffering from anxiety.

As we talked James admitted that relationships are difficult for him.  We used this as a starting point to find the root of this problem.  In a trance state James was able to get in touch with the fear that always seemed to be in the “back of his mind”.

The root of fear and other emotional issues that seem to come out of the blue are  stored in the unconscious part of the mind.  The memories typically have unresolved or repressed emotions.   When something in the present stirs up these memories fear, sadness, and self-doubt surface.  In order to change these reactions it is helpful to get to the root of the  problem.

For James it turned out to be  a deep seated fear of not being “worthy” or “loveable.” This is what was causing him to keep people distant, fearing that if people got to know him they wouldn’t think he was a smart, funny and charming as they do. You can imagine how difficult that makes it for him to form deep relationships.

So the first way to begin changing from self-doubt to confident is to notice . . . to be continued in the next post.

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