Getting free of Self-doubt #6

This is the 6th post in getting free of self-doubt series.

Continuation from last post:
Here are some of the things you might hear as you take a moment to listen to the thoughts going through your mind.  They might sound something like this:   “You won’t do it good enough”,  “you don’t know enough” or “someone else can do it better” “people will think your stupid”  Think about what the “voice” in the back of your mind notice what it is telling you.

1. Begin by noticing what that “voice in your mind” is saying.

2. Once you know the thoughts that feed the self-doubt cycle you have a place to start in changing those thoughts.

3. If this is new to you it might take a few moments to notice the thoughts going through your mind.

4.  Be patient and do you best to stay curious and you will begin to “hear” the doubt creating thoughts.

What you can expect to find as you listen for thoughts?

to be continued in  post 7 tomorrow.

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