Getting free of self-doubt #9

Continued from post #8

In our last lesson on getting free of self-doubt we paid attention to the thoughts that cause self-doubt or fear.  And then we answered 4 questions  about the thoughts.

People are surprised at the information they collect when they “look” at the  many different elements that make up our thoughts.  You too might have found it interesting to uncover things that you never noticed before.

To review: We noticed the following elements (also called sub-modalities in NLP). There are many different elements to be curious about when “hearing” that move through your mind.  The elements we looked at (how the “voice” in your mind sounded) were:

  • Loud or soft voice
  • Fast or slow cadence
  • Tone of the voice: deep or high pitched.
  • Did any pictures surface, that went along with the thoughts.

    Many times repressed memories or “snapshots” surface when looking at self-doubt and fear.    The “pictures” that come to mind, might be in color, or  black and white.   They  might be moving or still images.  The people in the images might be bigger or smaller than life size.

  • The elements that make up the pictures and thought are called sub-modalities.  And the elements (sub-modalities)  have an effect on how we feel.

To be continued in the next post #10. .  .  .

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2. A second exercise
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January 26,  2011.
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