Goal Setting: 5 steps to getting things done.

Setting Goals: 5 Steps to Getting Things done
Tips come from Jake Krueger in his most recent newsletter.

The following are tips that Jake Krueger one of our hypno-counselors created to help his writing students.  I think they can easily be converted for any goal you are working towards,  so I’m re-posting them here.  Just insert the goal you have for the goal of writing.

The exercise he gives is designed to replace the negative or scary feelings about writing, with positive feelings of excitement and success.

By creating new positive feelings you’ll not only find yourself writing more consistently.  You’ll also discover that you feel better about your writing, and the role of writing in your life.

Set an achievable goal for your writing this week. Something you absolutely KNOW you can EASILY accomplish. 2 pages a day. 10 minutes a day. A page a week. Whatever you know you can make work within your busy lifestyle.

NOTE: For this exercise to work, your goal must be quantifiable.  In other words, there must be an objective way of determining whether or not you achieved it.

For example “write every day” is not necessarily a quantifiable goal, because it’s not clear how much writing makes this successful. Write for 7 minutes every day or writing one page a day is, because when you complete your 7 minutes or one page, you know you have achieved your goal.

Similarly “write a good scene” is not a quantifiable goal because you would have to subjectively judge whether the scene was good or not, and opinions might vary. “Write three versions of the scene I am currently struggling with” is a quantifiable goal, because regardless of subjective opinion, you can know for certain when you have achieved it.

Look for tip 2 tomorrow.

To receive Jake’s newsletter each month just email him at writingclassesnyc@gmail.com.

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One response to “Goal Setting: 5 steps to getting things done.”

  1. I quite agree with your views and thoughts on goal setting. They can really do wonders if properly implemented. Thanks for sharing such good thoughts.