How does it feel to be Hypnotized?

The next few posts will answer common questions that people have sent in about hypnosis.

Question:  How does it feel to be hypnotized?

Each person experiences hypnosis differently.  After experiencing trance the first time many say it feels like a deeply relaxed and refreshing experience.  Others might say they didn’t feel like they were hypnotized.

There are two types of hypnosis. Classical and Ericksonian.  According to which is used results are different.  People with hi anxiety and panic have difficulty relaxing, so instead of trying to use classical hypnosis which focuses on relaxation it is best to use a combination of Ericksonian Hypnosis and NLP.  A person doesn’t need to be relax, and many times feel like they are just focusing inward as they talk to the hypnotherapist.  Even when they didn’t feel hypnotized, they usually find that the changes they are working on happen almost automatically.  Many will come in for their next session saying, ” I don’t know what happened but I’m feeling like something has changed inside.”  Or they might say “I was amazed at my reaction,  I didn’t go into a rage, in a situation where I usually did.”

There are many techniques that can be used hypnotically. According to the technique used you might feel energy gently moving through your body.  Or you might feel like you are coming back to life, or have a profound feeling of calm.

Many of my clients enjoy learning self-hypnotic techniques, for the following:
1. Open up more creativity
2. Feeling clear headed
3. Reduce stress and anxiety

For many self-hypnosis leads to a quieting of the mind.  Hypnosis gives you a way to tap into the resources of power, security, calm and serenity that are held within your own unconscious mind.

One quick way to go  into a hypnotic trance state is to change your breathing pattern. To
get started with your first breathing exercise sign in at the top right side of this page.

After signing in
You’ll also receive a second exercise
to help change negative thinking.

So do this now download the easy to learn mind calming  exercise
by signing in at the upper right side of this page.
You will be sent the written instructions as a PDF.

If you would like more coaching
on ways to use your mind to quiet stress and anxiety
go to action ends procrastination

We still have 6 spots open for the class starting May 26th 2010.
Looking forward to you becoming a part of
this supportive online community.