How we create stress

3 Ways We Create Stress

1.    Cognitively (what we say to ourselves, our own thoughts)

2. Emotionally (feeling bad about negative messages we give ourselves)

3.  Physically /Behaviorally (quick short breaths high in chest starts the heart pounding)

Each of these circle around creating a cycle of more stress, fear and panic. For example, you might not even be aware you had a negative thought but you do feel your breathing quicken and your heart starts to pound (physical part of the cycle).  Then you start to worry about why this is happening and what is possibly wrong with you (cognitive or thought part of the cycle).  Then you get angry that it is happening, (emotional part of the cycle).

And the cycle goes around and around creating havoc in your life.

You can stop this viscious cycle by making a change in any of the
3 parts of the cycle.
For example,
using the “2 for 1 Exercise”
stops the cycle on the
cognitive/thinking part of the cycle.

Getting to the root and releasing repressed emotions
stops the cycle on the
emotional part of the cycle.

Or using the “HAAAA Breath,” will change it
on the physical level.

A change in any part of the cycle has enormous benefit.  Stopping any one area is like stopping an electrical current.  When you break the circuit and the emotions stop running around and around,  and stress, fear and anxiety stop compounding each other.

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