Hypnosis – can they make me bark like a dog? (1)

Hypnosis Fact and Myth:
Excerpts from a seminar given by Audrey Sussman
for new practitioners of hypnosis.

Many times when I give a seminar I tell people of the different reactions I get when people first hear that I am a hypnotist. As I tell how some people actually put their hands in front of there eyes and say don’t look at me, and how others ask if I can make them bark like a dog or cluck like a chicken, I usually get a laugh.  This is humorous, yet it also helps let people know they aren’t alone in their thoughts, worries or fears about being hypnotized.

Of course is is also important to give information about what hypnosis is and isn’t and dispel any erroneous beliefs.  Most new hypnotists are so excited about helping that they might at times begin to start the process . . . to be continued this afternoon.

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