Hypnosis Facts and Misconceptions 2A

The following information comes from a training Audrey did for new hypno-therapists.
We thought that  this transcription might be of interest to the lay public,
even thought it is written for the clinician.

continued from yesterday. . .

Clients may at first believe that the hypnotist produces their responses. In reality the client only acts on suggestions that are in alignment with their values. They are fully capable of making decisions at all times.  Hypnosis is not about taking control but about helping the client to gain more control over their reactions.  The trance state also will help them to get in touch with untapped resources they have within.

Often people fear that they will reveal some “secret” while under hypnosis.  Just as in the waking state people know what they are saying, in hypnosis they are also aware of everything they are saying.  They will only talk about what they choose to reveal. Sometimes this problem surfaces with people who have suffered abuse and fear their family members will be judged.  I deal with this fear by explaining that memories are “made up” anyway. We remember things according to the “filters” we have at the time of the event.  So even if a negative memory comes up it doesn’t mean it is necessarily exactly what happened.  For therapeutic purposes we act “as if” it is true since that is the way they have it stored in their memory.  True or not it needs to be dealt with.

Another fear some clients have is that they might not come out of trance. This can cause reservations to being hypnotized so first I explain that I have never had this happen to any of my clients.  Second that they are in complete control and can come out of “trance” at anytime. Third, if they are doing self-hypnosis at home and they were to fall asleep, they would eventually wake up naturally.  By explaining that trance state is not sleep it prepares the person letting them know that they are not expected to sleep.  Self hypnosis can be used as a method to help a person fall asleep but that is not what we are looking to do during therapy.

Many amazing changes can happen when you
learn hypnotic techniques to clear up issues at the root.
The unconscious mind is an amazing asset when
you know how to use it to re-program old limits.

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