Hypnosis & Fear – Part 3 by Tish

Hypnosis and Fear Part 3

With the kind of hypnosis I use, Ericksonian hypnosis and NLP, the client is in control of what they say and do.  It is not like the way it is often portrayed in the movies, the client seemingly asleep, while the hypnotist gives suggestions.  Then the client “wakes up” and doesn’t remember what occurred. With Ericksonian Hypnosis, it is an interactive process. I need feedback from the client.  However, the client only needs to be in a light trance state, a state very similar to being engrossed in a good book or a movie.   You feel like you are part of the action, yet if someone started talking to you, you would be able to answer.  So rather than think of hypnosis as a state where you give up control, think of it as a way to help you get back control in your life.

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