Invite to F.ree Teleseminar: Conquer Procrastination

Feeling Stuck? Secrets to Moving Through Fear, Anxiety and Procrastination

Hello, and welcome. I’m Dr. Audrey Sussman and I would like to invite you to  a Free TeleSeminar l will be giving on January 28, 2010.

If you’re like most people, you’ve struggled with procrastination.  If you ever feel stuck, or if fear or anxiety ever causes you to procrastinate, then this TeleSeminar is for you.

Feeling Stuck? Learn the Secrets to Moving Past Fear, Anxiety and Procrastination

Get an invitation to this Powerful TeleSeminar by going to the box on the right side of this Page. Just put in you name and email and the invite will be sent to you.

“Conquering Procrastination: A workshop for intelligent, creative people that get stuck”

DATE & TIME: Thursday, January 28th at 9:15pm Eastern
Cost:  F.R.EE
FORMAT: Simulcast! (Attend via Phone or Webcast — it’s your choice)
Get Invited by:  Going to the box at the upper right, to sign in.

When they first start working with me, over 60% of my clients reveal that they believe procrastination means that they are inherently lazy or unproductive. Yet, when we start talking about how they live, we find that these same people are able to juggle many of life’s challenges with ease. The people who find their way to my office or seminars are usually high achievers, and in many cases very successful in their careers and life. So procrastination has nothing to do with being inept, lazy or apathetic.

It is actually just the opposite. For most people procrastination is caused by FEAR. Fear can come from early childhood experiences, and the beliefs a child forms because of them. It is a pity that so many talented, intelligent people secretly carry around fear at the deepest level of their unconscious mind.

Fortunately, there are many ways we can lift these unconscious fears, and free you to work through your inner blocks, and become the person you really want to be.

If you’d like to find out how, please join me the Teleseminar on January 28, 2010.  Once you sign up using the box on the right, you can even submit questions you’d like answered during the Teleseminar.

Spots are limited, so please sign up now.

I look forward to sharing these techniques with you.


Audrey Sussman

Audrey Sussman, PhD, LCSW, NBCCH, is Director of the Anxiety Control Center. She is a National Board Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Neuro-Linguistic Programmer. She holds a Master’s Degree from the University of Pennsylvania and a Doctorate in Clinical Hypnosis from American Pacific University. Audrey is a nationally recognized seminar leader and author of “Power of Thought: Untold Secrets of the Unconcsious Mind”, “The Workshop Facilitators Handbook”, “Calm, Comfort… Yours for the Asking”, and the “Relief Series” books. In her active private practice, her clients have achieved lasting transformations using the program she has developed.