Is hypnosis right for you?

Dr. Audrey talks about Hypnosis.

A 3 questions people have when they call us are:  “How do I know if Hypnosis is right for me?    “Can I be hypnotized?” and   I’m strong willed, can’t it work for me?”

The truth is that almost everyone can be hypnotized. Actually in over 25 years of practice I have found that the people with high intelligence and creativity are the best at going into a hypnotic trance state.   People who come to our seminars have found it easier to use self-hypnosis  than they had thought it would be.

And there are many of techniques that can be utilized, that’s what we do, in both our seminars and with private consultations we help you to find just the right technique or key that will work best for you.    When you come to our teleseminar, your job is simply to be curious, have an open mind and want to overcome what ever challenge you are dealing with.  We have the techniques and skills that you can put to use right away in your daily life.

If you still are not comfortable with hypnosis, DON’T WORRY.  You can still overcome challenges using other techniques though it might take you a bit more time to get the results.  But if you don’t start today, nothing will change.  So no matter if you are a person who wants to access the resources of your unconscious today, or someone who is more tentative and wants skills without using hypnotic techniques, take the first step and ask us a question so we can evaluate you as an individual and help you to make educated choices. Click here to ask a question of our staff, Sometimes we get so many similar questions that we do an online seminar where you can have assess to our experts in person.  So please send your questions.

Once again, if you are suffering from Anxiety and Fear.  If you have a weight problem, an allergy problem, procrastinate, have panic, a phobia or even if you feel sad, help is available.  Hypnosis is just one of many ways that you can find the answers to living a fuller and more complete life.  Don’t delay one more second.  If you are suffering, send a question to 

You have nothing to lose and a better life to gain.