Is it a negative mantra or a simple annoying thought?

After posting my article  Negative mantras that “take you down” on the golf course. I received a question about the difference between negative mantras and simple annoying thoughts.  The best way to understand the difference is to think about the feelings you have.

For instance feeling annoyed because of playing badly on one hole, and then starting fresh on the next hole is very different from having a negative mantra is running. You can tell that a negative mantra is running when one negative thoughts starts a vicious cycle, where one thought leads to the next getting in the way of your focus on the course and many times following you after leaving the course.

I welcome your feedback and questions, and will write more on specific issues you send in.
To contact me with your questions click here.  Looking forward to your questions, Audrey Sussman.

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Audrey Sussman PhDThis is my new look.
Audrey Sussman PhD, LCSW, LMHC, NBCCH, CSL