Is it hard to learn self-hypnosis? Can it help me to get motivated to achieve goals I want?

Q:  Is it hard to learn self-hypnosis? Can it help me to get motivated to achieve goals I want?

I believe than any goal can be achieved when you break it down into small enough pieces.

Most of us get stuck because of the overwhelming feeling that overtakes us when our goals are so big we don’t know where to start.

One of the reasons I teach my students to do a number of self-hypnosis techniques is that they can then get underneath the goal to the hoped for benefits of achieving the goal. By going into a trance state  you can get to unconscious information that will help you to move easily towards goals.   Once you are in touch with the unconscious part of the mind it becomes much easier to break the goals down into doable pieces.

By having a “tool box” of simple steps and mental tools  you can build up confidence.  Then when you are ready to tackle the next set of tasks they seem easy to do as well. Learning to do anything is easier when you know how to break it down.  We all already have the building blocks within us, trance allows us to access them.

Case study. We have the solutions within us . . .  to be continued in the next post

Download your first “tool” in
creating a hypnotic trance state.

Sign in at the top right side of this page.

to receive your first breathing exercise
to change your state of mind.

After signing in
You’ll also receive a second exercise
to help change negative thinking.

So do this now download the easy to learn
breathing  exercise
by signing in at the upper right side of this page.
You will be sent the written instructions as a PDF.

If you would like more coaching
on ways to use your mind to quiet stress and anxiety
go to action ends procrastination

We still have a few spots left for the class starting May 26th 2010.
Looking forward to you becoming a part of 
this supportive online community.