Lack of Patience: Is Self-Hypnosis the Answer? 

Thank you all for the feedback after the coaching workshop. I’m delighted to hear of your successes. Keep the emails flowing on things you want help with.
Emails with questions can be sent to me directly at:

I recently received an email from one of the students in the class.  I’m sure it will resonate with many of you. Here is her question.

Student Question: I would like a self-hypnosis technique for patience. I tend to lack patience in certain events and when I want to move from one project to the next.

Audrey’s Answer: Before we can decide on what type of self-hypnotic technique would be effective in creating more patience, we need to get some more information.

Learn about how you create the lack of patience:

Sometimes a lack of patience is caused by negative self-talk. 

  1. For instance telling yourself you “can’t” do it.
  2. Or saying you won’t do it “right enough”.
  3. Or feeling overwhelmed because the task feels too big.

Step 1. Think back to a situation where you didn’t have “patience”. 

Step 2. Ask the following questions to help you get to the deeper, subconscious (unconscious) triggers:

1. What does that feel like when you don’t have patience?
2. Where  in your body do you feel it?
3. Take a deep breath. Close your eyes and begin to notice any thoughts.
4. What are you saying to yourself?

I’m going to guess that you are telling yourself something negative about the fact that you are moving from one project to another.  Perhaps you are  giving yourself a hard time for not sticking to one thing?  Or it may be that you are  feeling overwhelmed with the task and therefore moving to a different one

The answers to these question will tell us the next steps, where to go next to get relief from stress and the feeling of lack of patience with yourself or with the task.

For those not in the workshop start with the Calming the Mind Video. This will help you to quiet you body and mind, so you can focus deeper to what is triggering the feelings.   .

You can download the video guide by clicking here.