Mantras can cause worry and fear

  • Have you been using a positive visualization to move you towards a goal?
  • Have you found that after weeks of practice you have still not gotten to the goal you want?
  • Or when you start to move towards your goal does  fear or worry get in your way?

Find out why this happens for people who try to use positive visualization to manifest what they want.

Even when you truly want to achieve the goal, and even when you have the best of intentions and even after spending weeks using a positive visualization or repeating what you believe is a helpful phrase or mantra you still find that something is blocking you.

If so, there is a good possibility that the visualization or mantra has some hidden negative message or that it is not in alignment with what you want to achieve.  To correct this, we need to take a few steps.   Let’s first look at what a mantra is really about and then you can move to the the next step to uncover what is getting in the way of success.

What is a Mantra?

A mantra it is a phrase or imaged used to create a positive feeling or a calm state of mind.  One reason mantras are so popular is because it can be a dynamic method for motivation.  Mantras and visualizations can also be used to program the unconscious mind to go in the direction of things we want to achieve.   A mantra can also simply be the things we say to ourselves. When mantras and visualizations are set up and are in alignment with your beliefs about yourself they help you to move effortlessly toward your goals and desires.  But many times they create the opposite reaction from the one desired.

There are two types of mantras:
positive ones and negative ones.
The positive type helps you to get psyched up for a big meeting. It might be thoughts of past success used as a way to stay positive when life is getting you down.

When mantras are positive, constructive and believed, especially in the deepest part of yourself,  they can help you to enjoy life and achieve goals.

But what many times even the  most positive mantras or visualization doesn’t work as desired. And when that happens instead of getting the positive outcome, they lead to frustration and feeling bad.

How do you know if you have a negative mantra?

  1. If fear or procrastination gets in the way of moving ahead with things you really want to do.
  2. If you worry about not doing things well enough.
  3. If you feel panicky speaking in front of others.
  4. If you fear what others will think of you.
  5. If  you find it difficult to say no to tasks you don’t want to do.
  6. If fear of being judged or being humiliated..
  7. If insecurity stops you.
  8. If you feel as if something is draining away your energy.
  9. If  worry makes your mind feel like it is spinning out of control.
  10. If self-blame causes guilt or depression.
  11. If you stuff anger or over-react.

Then it is probable that you have a negative mantra running.

Are we always aware of a mantra or negative voice?

Sometimes you are aware of the mantra or negative voice makes you feel that that you haven’t done it good enough.  But many times the inner voice, the one that causes you to doubt yourself runs in the background of the mind.  These are caused by old childhood traumas and repressed emotions, and unless released they have a profound effect in the present.   These hidden mantras hamper your abilities, cause you to doubt your own worth, talents and abilities and take the joy out of the things you love.

Many times people who have food issues are really trying to use food to quiet and push down unwanted mantras, memories and thoughts. And even when we aren’t aware of negative mantra on a conscious level,  you will know it is running if you feel self-doubt, worry, anxiety, guilt or depression.

What to do if a negative mantra
or visualization is creating havoc in your life?

A.  The first step: Identify a negative mantra using the Calming Breath, sign up here and I’ll send it right away:

B.  Second step is to release old stuffed emotions. For this step have it’s important to have someone trained in the Transformation System to guide you.
C. Third step is to create a dynamic, believable healthy mantra or visualization, ones that are in alignment with your beliefs.

How the Transformation System
can help in re-writing a Negative Mantra 

The method I recommend is from the Transformation System developed at the Anxiety Control Center. This approach uses two different types of hypnosis combined with Neuro-Linguistic techniques.  The reason for this combination is that it gives us a way to access and communicate directly with the subconscious/unconscious part of the mind.  This is the part of the mind that serves as a memory bank for everything that ever happened in your life.  Once you are in a light state of trance (see video: we can identify the unwanted thoughts,  release old emotions and heal the wounds that cause the limiting inner voice.   When guided by a hypnotherapist using this approach you will find your own pathways for confidence, serenity and joy flow easily and effortlessly.

Sign Up for a free consultation, just click the button below and you’ll be directed to sign up and I’ll send you my availability for the next few weeks:
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I will be happy to answer any questions about re-programing negative mantras,  getting to root of blocks that are getting in the way or any other questions about hypnosis or anxiety. 

Want to start right away to calm the mind?
I highly recommend watching the Video Guide at:
Just sign up and I’ll email you the link.