Panic and Stress Relief – Using the Transformation System

Today we’re looking at another technique to relieve fear and panic.  I’m including a happy email from a student who is now dealing with panic and fear, in a new and different way.  As you will read she was creative and combined 2 techniques she learned in our coaching workshop.  Her creative use of what she is learning is giving her new ways to feel safe.  Ones that work so much better than fear, panic and anxiety that used to be a problem.

Note from Student:
“Hi Audrey, I love the “parts” technique you taught in our online class.  I  combined the “parts” technique with the “floating above” technique from the first week of class and the results were really  magical.  I kind of “traveled back” to my younger self and showed her how use the parts technique.  We “talked to the “parts” that seemed to be causing a problem of panic.  Then we found a better way of keeping “her” safe.  Such a relief to have choice again.   By the way, I now see how not being “in it” by “staying above” my time line, helps to change the perspective, and gives me time to think.  It makes me feel more understanding of others and lighter with myself.”

What this student is talking about are hypnotic techniques she is now using on her own, to re-program an old negative reaction.  In this short note she is talking about  2 techniques from the Anxiety Control Center’s Ultimate Freedom From Anxiety System. These techniques are giving her to way to change panic in a specific areas of her life.

So for example when you are having a problem with fear, you might imagine the part that is creating the fear.  Just imagine that there is a part that creates fear. Put your hand out in front of you and imagine that it is sitting in your hand.  When you learn to do this it really is amazing how you can bring out the “parts” of yourself.    I know it seems a bit strange but when you use this technique it makes it possible to find the positive intention behind the fear. It’s like having a conversation with a young child  (part) who doesn’t understand how his or her reactions are effecting the adult (self).

What my clients have found is that when they have a “conversation with the part”  they find that the  “part” is trying to do something positive.  Many times the reason for fear or panic starts out as a positive one, perhaps to keep a person from doing something that would hurt them. Or to keep a person safe. If you’re too fearful to go out the part reasons that you’ll be safe.

Unfortunately panic begins to have a “life of it’s own” and it runs out of control.   Even if the intention is a good one, having fear can create more problems.  And it might not be the best way to keep a person safe. But once we know what the part is trying to accomplish by creating fear, we can begin to find better ways of achieving the goal (keeping the person safe).

The best way to learn how to use the “parts” technique is to experience it.

  It is actually very easy to learn when you do it with someone trained in Ericksonian Hypnosis and NLP.  Once you’ve done it the first time it all becomes very clear.

So we can discuss your specific situation, I am currently providing Free Discovery Consultations, please click the button below to sign up and choose a date and time:

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