Panicky Feelings – A Gift From the Unconscious?

I received the following email from one of my clients.  After 30 years helping people with anxiety and panic I continue delight when I get these notes:

“I just had to send you a note. I drove back to work on the highway – haven’t done that – alone – in at least 3 years!!! Yes my heart was pounding, but my head was kinda OK and as you can imagine at this moment I feel like a $Million dollars and that I can do anything.

I am going to type my notes from today as we had a wonderful session chock full of information for me to use over and over again.  I’ve heard it hundreds of times that thoughts and emotions and neither good or bad, but today it really sunk in that if I don’t judge my panicky feelings as being bad – I see the “gift” of panic and what it is trying to teach me in a whole new light!

You can use my initials and post this.    It would make me feel good knowing that it could possibly help another person going through the same thing.  Honestly, I just told my friend  (who will be calling you by the way to set up an appointment for her daughter) that I had a real breakthrough today! ”


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