Are Past Lives Related to Anxiety Attacks? Hypnosis Uncovers Past Life Issues

Recently, when I was snowed-in I came across a TV show called Past Life, that brings up an interesting concept of whether past lives exist.

In this TV show they accept the premise that not only do past lives exist, but that a traumatic past life experience can be remembered and cause anxiety attacks.

The last episode of the TV show was about a young boy who kept getting “flash backs” to a person screaming at him.  These memories and the fear that went with them made him feel horrible. As I watched the show they did a great job showing how a person in the middle of a panic attack feels. His anxiety attacks were getting in the way of his life.

The boy was re-living a trauma from a “past life.” And when it happened he had difficulty distinguishing between what was “real” and what was a “flash back.”

Past Lives or Old Memories

Whether or not you believe in past lives, what I have learned as a hypnotherapist is that old memories (ones from our childhood) can and do influence our reactions. In real life (not TV shows) a person may not be aware of these old memories. They might just know that they are feeling anxiety, and not know where it is coming from. That is where hypnotic techniques can be extremely helpful. By going to the part of the mind that stores old memories (the unconscious mind) and releasing the old negative “junk” from the root,  a person is freed up to move on with life.

I have done regressions with people where they do go to a past life.  When old memories and “flash backs” create havoc in a person’s present life, they need to be uncovered and released. Once you are conscious of what is triggering panic and anxiety it becomes possible to change it.

Past Causing Pain in the Present

In my practice I use memories a person uncovers to help to solve present life issues. We don’t have to decide whether the memories are exactly “true”, we act as if they are in order to heal them. In this TV show they have a person, who believes in the boy’s experience. Believing in someone is healing in itself. She doesn’t diagnose him; she uses his flashbacks as information to solve a crime. This is the same concept a hypnotherapist uses, not to judge whether it is true or not, just accept it, as if it is true. This is because thoughts can seem very real to the person experiencing them, and we can use them for a positive healing purpose.

Of course, in this “Past Life” TV show everything is all unraveled in a half-hour. The crime is solved and the boy goes on with his life, relieved of his past life trauma. Even using hypnotic techniques it will take more than 30 minutes, yet I have found that using Hypnosis helps a person to free themselves very quickly of trauma and old limiting beliefs. I was delighted to see a show that is dealing with the issues of past influencing the present because very often past memories are the cause of present issues.

Release the Trauma with Hypnosis

Many people have questions and doubt about past life issues. You might wonder if it is even possible to have had a past life. Or if you believe in past life, whether a past life can affect a present life. The truth is, it doesn’t matter whether you believe or not. It’s your unconscious mind that is reliving the trauma, and outside of your awareness. 

There are many ways to release old fear that gets in the way. If you suffer from anxiety, stress, anger or fear. If you procrastinate or use food to gain calm. Or if you would like to put a stop to the negative message that play in your mind, You can learn to use self-hypnosis to get to the root of these issues.

Begin With a Simple Technique:

I have a FREE video that I like to share with all of my clients before they come in for a private session. They find it helps them take the first step. You can watch it now by clicking the button below and signing up:

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