Postive Self Talk (3)

The problem with just saying how wonderful you are, or that everything will be all right is that unless the belief is changed they don’t ring true.  For instance if a person has a belief that they can’t do things “right,” no matter how many statements to the contrary, the belief doesn’t change.

Therefore the place to make the change needs to be at the root, where the “belief” was formed.   It is possible to re-program the mind by using self-hypnotic techniques.

When I worked with Sandi, we went back to age 4.  She was living with her aunt and older cousins and was told repeatedly that she didn’t do things right.  She could still remember the embarrassment she felt.

As she looked at this early event she was able to see things with the perspective of a young adult.  She realized her cousin was angry at having her live with them and was just acting out.  It really wasn’t about Sandi’s ability at all.  We did some re-programming around the event and Sandi felt like a weight was lifted off of her.

The key to having positive self-talk work is to first change the limiting belief. Now when Sandi uses positive self-talk, it feels true and enhances her new found feelings of worth.

You can start the process of re-programming your mind
with an easy to learn exercise.
Go to  the upper right side of this screen sign in
and you’ll receive your 1st mind calming exercise.
It will be sent to you as a PDF.

If you’d rather watch a video explaining this mind calming exercise,
go to Video Guide to watch the video.

And for more tools sign up for the
online home study coaching course information here.


One response to “Postive Self Talk (3)”

  1. Thank you so much..that is a very helpful info for me.I had a trouble in sleeeping few months ago and now I can have a good night sleep.hahaha.I tried so many things to cure it and I did solve my problem.Happy sleeping..just sharing dude. 😀