Protocol for Anxiety Relief

I am so happy when people email and call asking questions about getting relief from fear, anxiety, panic, worry and other emotions that get in the way for feeling peaceful.  Here are a few questions that came across my desk this week.

Question: I’ve been following your posts on the site, it has interesting information on it, and I have found many of the techniques helpful.

I have been battling anxiety, fear, worry, and obsessive thinking type issues for over 25 years.  I am better now than I was, but I’m still searching for that “whole” somewhat peaceful feeling inside.

What type of protocol would you think would be involved for someone battling for years?

Audrey Answers:
You are not alone, and there is hope for inner peace.  Many people just like yourself, tell me that they have found there way to the Anxiety Control Center after suffering for years.

Many years ago I too started out trying to find help for my own fear, anxiety and panic.  After years of study and practice I have added new skills and techniques which I use in my private therapy practice.

There is a protocol for anxiety and panic relief  that is life changing.   In a few words, what I have found is that there is a way to re-set the inner programming that keeps you from the inner peaceful feeling you are looking for.

The Transformation System helps people to stop the battle of just managing the fear, and instead cleans up the inner programming that creates worry, fear, anxiety.   The system uses the most effective techniques from cognitive and behavioral therapy.  And the most important addition is the addition of  2 different types of hypnosis, and another technique call Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

And the best part, especially for people with panic, is that you don’t even need to be in a “relaxed hypnotic” state to make the changes.

Once old negative or stuffed emotions from the past are released, it is then possible to use the powerful, creative part of the mind to create new and enhancing ways of dealing the daily stresses in life.

The good news is,  if you can do panic, fear or worry, even when sitting in your own living room, then you are already using your mind in a “hypnotic” way, just in the wrong direction.   So another part of the protocol is to learn how to use your mind and thoughts  in an enhancing way.

I hope this is of help.  Feel free to call with more questions.

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