Quick Solutions to Stop Phobic Reactions: Fear of Needles

The video below gives some quick tips for taking the fear out of a phobic reaction.

Client Question: Is there a way to desensitize myself from my phobic reactions to blood and needles? At work today a person came in with gauze and tape on their elbow.  I felt that instant panic in the pit of my stomach.

I did the breathing exercise and the tapping and it did help a lot.  But I do not understand why seeing this bandaging caused me so much anxiety. Is there something you can give me to practice with until we can have a session.

PS.   This reminded me of the bandaging you get when you get blood drawn. I think its the idea of blood drawing that is causing anxiety.

Answer from Audrey: It is a great step that you realize that there is a link between something in your past (with blood or needles) that is triggering  the fear.  As we work together we will continue to clear the root issues causing the phobic reaction.
I’m posting the video below that gives a quick summary of an NLP technique used to take the “charge” out of a emotionally charged image.

Once learned this technique is useful in any other area where you have uncomfortable emotions.    When we do this in the office next week you’ll see how effective the full version of a sub-modality shift can be.  For now I hope the video is of help.  Please let me know.


If you have a phobia that is getting in the way of your life, please contact me to schedule a consultation: