Re-program old anxiety reactions

Today is the second day of the 30 days of tips and information on panic, anxiety and stress relief.

For over 25 years I’ve been the Director of the Anxiety Control Center.  In my private practice my clients have learned to use the power of their own minds to reprogram old negative reactions.  The first step is to set the goals of what you want to change.  In my next post I will be giving you the question to help to go underneath the goals to find what is really important about achieving them.  Once you know the unconscious motivations it becomes possible to create many different paths to achieving the goals.  You see what I’m talking about in tomorrows post. My hope is that the post in the next 30 days will stimulate your desire for further education on using your powerful mind.  And for those who want to continue with expanding your knowledge of what you can accomplish with your mind, there is a online  course, beginning in May 2010.

If you want help with real life issues, and want it immediately please join our online coaching group.  You’ll learn some VERY powerful techniques each session.  Things that you can put to use right away.  It will include many of the things that I teach my clients in my private practice.

Please send your questions and I will be answering them each day for the next 30 days.  Looking forward to hearing from you and I believe  you will come away from my coaching teleseminar eager and curious about what else you can accomplish using your own mind.

If you would like to become a part of the online coaching class where you can learn Ericksonian and NLP techniques, please  look at our sister site by clicking on this link.  It will take you top the Action Ends Procrastination site. But before you go there,  please sign up for your first mind calming exercise in the upper right side of this screen.