Setting Goals: Tips to accomplish goals

Setting Goals: 5 Steps to Getting Things done
Tips come from Jake Krueger in his most recent newsletter.

The following are tips that Jake Krueger one of our hypno-counselors created to help his writing students.  I think they can easily be converted for any goal you are working towards,  so I’m re-posting them here.  Just insert the goal you have for the goal of writing.

Yesterday you read the first step for setting achievable goals.

Today Jake continues with step 2 and 3.

Now, take whatever goal you set for yourself and CUT IT IN HALF, to make it even more easily achievable. Write it down and post it in your writing space. This is your goal for this week.

Break out your calendar. Schedule the time that you will use to accomplish the goal. Get specific. What time will you start? What time will you end? Will you write every day or on specific days. Where will you go to do this writing? How will you set up your day and your schedule to make sure you are not interrupted. Write it down, and make it non-negotiable. Treat the appointment just like you would treat an important appointment with your boss or a client at work.

Look for tip 4 tomorrow.

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