Shift Your Mind From Anxiety: Moving Towards Your Goals

Marci Fedor and Audrey Sussman PhD chat about ways to get out of anxiety.

Listen to this fun chat between Audrey and Marci as these two professionals help their client to use NLP and hypnotic techniques to shift the mind quickly from anxiety to focus, calm and relief.

Chat 1 –  How to facilitate a shift
1. Where are you now:
a.  Observe your state of mind
b.  Notice the racing thoughts, that take over your mind.

2. Where do you want to go?
a.  Put images and thoughts of what you want in positive
b.  What you want instead of what you don’t want.
c.  Setting the course – train track or a map of where you want to go

*  1st step in shifting – Slow down your system
*  Breath to alter state to calm
 * Visualize a movie of what you want in the future
** NLP technique:  the more senses you use (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) the more real it will feel.

    • In an anxious state can’t get anywhere: body in state of alarm, clouding thinking.
    • 1st is to slow the system down,  use any of the be-calm exercises
    • Acceptance of where  you are
    • Your are doing the best you can in the moment
    • Changing programming that gets you stuck.
    • Gaining new perspective a hypnotic exercise
    • Anchors that trigger old unwanted responses
    • Re-imprint (re-script) old images and programs
  • Birthright to make mistakes and to be loved

Next step: Identify what is underneath the anxiety:
Questions to get underneath emotions.
1. The “why” or  “what” question: which works best for you.
2. Is it true?
3. Who would you be without anxiety?

FREE AUDIO: Click on this link to hear the audio’s.

Audrey Sussman PhD works with successful business owners who get stressed, procrastinate or feel overwhelmed with all there is to do in growing a business.   She helps them to transform the inner-critic that causes anxiety and worry into a positive, life enhancing guidance system.