Social Anxiety, 3-Steps to Connect with Ease.

Tips for connecting with calm in social situations?
The audio below is from one of my online workshops with tips for single introverts.  It has some easy tips you can use to create calm and joy in social situations.  These tools are helpful to anyone who wants to trigger the feeling of calm, or confidence. In the audio below you’ll get more information for staying calm and centered in social situations, And a bonus tip: how to stay calm and centered  when a person is annoying or thinks so completely differently that it’s hard to listen to them.

Tip 1 : Enter any conversation looking to learn something.  I’ve found that each person has something that might be of interest or something that you might not already know.   In this way you aren’t worrying about what you are going to say.

Tip 2:  Listen with your whole heart.  With the intent to understand more about the other person

Tip 3: Pay attention to what the other is saying.  To do this you stay in curiosity about what might be going on for the other rather than thinking about what you will say next.

In the audio below you’ll get more information on using the first 3 tips. PLUS a bonus tip on staying calm and centered  when a person is annoying or thinks so completely differently that it’s hard to listen to them. You’ll learn an easy way to stay calm – all without trying to bring them over to your way of thinking.

Click below to listen to the audio:
FREE AUDIO – 3 tips to confidence in social situations.