Stop Procrasatination- Jake’s action step 2

Action step 1: For stopping procrastination was written for writers feeling blocked.  This Journal  is a tool you will come to love.  Anyone who wants to unlock “unconscious” blockages will find they benefit from Action Step 2 that Jake will reveal today.  It is so simple, yet the power comes from taking the action in step 2.   So read on and email us with your thoughts after one week of doing this simple act.  I have used it in my own life, and countless clients of mine have found it has opened up the “conversation” between the two parts of the mind. (for information on the two parts of the mind refer to that post.

Jacob Krueger’s  advice and his 2010 SCREENWRITING CHALLENGE

First read the rest of this and then come back and click on the words screenwriting challenge where you can get the entire newsletter and tips from Jake.  When you get to his page, you will see the newsletter sign up box on the right side.  It’s just put in your name and email and you will have access to all his advice and newsletters.

Action Step 1: Go out and buy yourself a nice journal. (full directions in his newsletter)

Step 2:  Set your clock to wake you up 15 minutes early.  Or as soon as you open your eyes, grab your journal and start writing.  Have it right next to your bed, with a pen, so there are no excuses.  Just write 3 pages.  Let your thoughts flow from one thing to another. You can even complain about this exercise for three pages, just write something.

(The full instructions are in Jake’s newsletter). Audrey is  breaking it down into smaller pieces for you.   Just do it the writing every day for the next 2 weeks.  People have found that amazing changes happen when using action step 2.  Writing 3 pages of streaming thoughts every day.

When you procrastinate and tell yourself, “I’ll do it later or tomorrow”  what happens?  Most people find they come up with more excuses.  This is using your very creative mind in a negative way. So,  take action steps 1 and 2, we’ll talk more tomorrow about breaking the procrastination habit.

GIFT: Everyone who has sent questions or who is doing Jake’s writers challenge, will receive an invitation to our upcoming seminar  Re-programing the Mind to Stop Procrastination. For those of you new to teleseminars, this is an online event that you can listen to by phone or on your computer.  It will be given January 2010.  Details will be emailed to you shortly.

Attendees will have the opportunity to interact “live” with Dr Audrey Sussman.

There are two ways to be invited:
1. Sign up by going to the upper right side of this page, put you name and email and click on the “sign in here” tab.  You’ll also receive a powerful yet easy to learn exercise for calming your mind.

2. Send a question to Audrey, the colored link, takes you to her email address. Just write down your question and your name and email, and send it off.   We’ll look forward to interacting with you “in person”.