Stop Procrastination & Fear

Once again thank you all for sending questions about panic, hypnosis, fear and procrastination. I will continue to answer your questions.  If I haven’t responded to your question yet,  I hope that some of the answers to the other questions have been of use to you.

Another great question came in recently, and it’s on a topic that I will be going into in depth at the teleseminar scheduled January 2010.   Anyone who is on my email list will be sent a link to the introductory online workshop on “Stopping Fear and Procrastination.”

If you’d like to be invited, sign up by going to the upper right side of this page, put you name and email and click on the “sign in here” tab.  You also get the gift of an easy to learn mind calming exercise when you sign up.

The question I’ll start to answer today is:
How can I cause myself to get right to the things that are most important for me to do each morning?  How can I stop procrastinating?

The answer has a number of parts:
In general to stop procrastination we need to know three things.

  1. What are the thoughts and feelings running in the back of your mind that create procrastination.
  2. How to get underneath to the roots of these thoughts and feelings.
  3. How to create NO FAIL Action Steps.

Let’s start with your first action step right now. Answer the following question:

How do you get yourself to “not do what you feel is important”.
a. Think about that for a moment.
b. Write down whatever comes to mind.

You have just taken your first action step in the direction of stopping the old habit of procrastination.  As you can see it is an achievable step.  If you took a pen in hand and wrote something down you have proved your motivation.  This was the “extra credit” part of the action step.

Even if you are just thinking about the answers, you have taken an action, and are on the path.  This was a no fail action step.  OK, now get a pen and a pad and write something down.  This exercise is important, it is just for you, no one else needs to see it.  Please take action now,  just make a decision to do it.

In each exercise I give I am incorporating the steps for moving past stuck in any area of life.  We’ll continue in the next few posts with some more steps so you can put this frustrating habit where it belongs.

We are still accepting questions for our upcoming teleseminar on procrastination and fear.
We have lots of questions we haven’t answered yet,
we will continue posting the answers in the upcoming weeks.
To send your question just click on the word question it will
take you to Audrey’s email.
Put in your name and question
and we hope yours will be one chosen for the upcoming teleseminar.