Tag: NJ Therapists

  • Hypnosis – will I lose control? (2)

    Hypnosis Fact and Myth: Excerpts from a seminar given by Audrey Sussman for new practitioners of hypnosis. Continued from Hypnosis (1a): To show people how much in control they really are I like to tell a story about a conversation I had with a woman who had been “a subject” in a stage hypnotism show. …

  • Hypnosis – can they make me bark like a dog? (1)

    Hypnosis Fact and Myth: Excerpts from a seminar given by Audrey Sussman for new practitioners of hypnosis. Many times when I give a seminar I tell people of the different reactions I get when people first hear that I am a hypnotist. As I tell how some people actually put their hands in front of…