Tag: ny hypnosis

  • Tax Time Stress – How to Stop Worry

    Tax Time – Anxiety & Worry Why does March and April bring more stress for most Americans? The beautiful spring weather is just about here yet there is something that happens at this time that also causes anxiety, worry and stress for many people.  You’ve probably guessed, it’s because there is a deadline approaching. It’s…

  • Most Effective Anxiety Treatment

    As a hypnotherapist for over 30 years, I’ve helped thousands of people get relief from their symptoms of anxiety. The magic of what I do is that we get to the root of where the reactions are coming from.  At the root they can be healed and cleared so the triggers no longer cause symptoms. …

  • "2 for 1 Exercise" to Stop Stress in its Tracks

    There are many ways to reduce stress.  In the  following exercise we will be changing negative thoughts and images to change the anxiety/stress  cycle.  By making changes using the conscious part of your mind,  you can begin to re-program your reactions.  The beauty of this exercise is that it can help change old patterns of…