Tag: Oprah

  • What causes Obsessive Compulsive Thoughts?

    Russell Crowe told Oprah, he feels like he can’t help but doing exactly what he was told not to do.  (continued from 4/29 post) When Russell Crowe was backstage, before being on Oprah’s show, they told him not to swear on live TV.   As he was talking to Oprah he told her how he felt…

  • Russell Crowe compelled to swear on Oprah

    When someone tells Russell Crowe not to do something, guess what he does?  He told Oprah, he feels like he can’t help but doing exactly what he was told not to do.   When Russell Crowe was backstage, before being on Oprah’s show, they told him not to swear on live TV.   As he was talking…