Breaking the habit of procrastination. What Olympic athletes do to achieve success

I was reading an article on how Olympic athletes learn to achieve success in moving towards their goals.  I was delighted to read that they do just what I was  asking you to do in our online coaching workshop.  Successful people approach their goals in a very specific manner.

Olympic athletes set small daily goals, achievable steps they take, no matter what towards the bigger goal of being a top athlete.  In our coaching I asked all of you to “lower the bar” making the steps so small, that you can only find success. By making the steps so small you almost effortlessly glide towards the bigger goals you set.  First you set the goal, then you break it down into the smallest possible pieces, that will  take you towards your goals.

Remember making the goal so small that you can’t help but succeed, will end up motivating you to setting and keeping the next small step.  When you learn to keep your commitments to yourself, by achieving these small steps you will find your motivation to take the next step grows.

To recap: When fear, or procrastination seems to stop you. Take another look at you goals.  And ask yourself these questions:

1. Are the steps  small enough so that you will take the step, even when you are tired, or not in the mood?

2.  Is the larger goal you’ve set really important to you ? What will you feel like after achieving the goal?

3.  What else is important about achieving the goal, what is underneath the desire?

Typically the reason we get stuck with goals is that they take us out of our comfort zone.  But, if you sit down and create tiny, baby steps towards the goal, and make a decision to take the steps, before you know it you are tapping into your full potential, moving in the direction with comfort, energy, joy and creativity.

Making it a habit to do something towards your goals every day, keeps you on course.  It becomes a habit. I gave one example in yesterdays post.  Here is another example of setting the bar so low you can only succeed.  I’ve asked many of you to read the book I recommended on how to get others to listen when you speak.  If you set a goal of just 2 pages a day, by the end of the week you will have 14 pages read.  By the end of the month 60 pages will be read.   And in two months you will be more than half way through the book.  All because you kept to you commitment to yourself to read 2 pages a day.  And in addition you’ve established the habit, finding the power of moving towards you goals, one tiny step at a time.

To get more information on the online coaching group.  Go to action ends procrastination.

Hope to have you join us in this journey of self discovery.