The positive intent of Worry

Before I talk about techniques to stop worry in its tracks, let’s look at the positive purpose of worry.  It can alert you to things that need to be taken care of, or of consequences of certain actions.  Worry can keep you watchful for symptoms that indicate a possible life-threatening problem, or it can motivate you to take care of something that needs to be done.

But when worry starts to cycle into all sorts of negative, scary future possibilities over which you have no control it stops serving a positive purpose.

So, why are some people more prone to worry than others? The reason people react differently is rooted in what they experience in childhood.  Children learn patterns to deal with stress that serve a positive purpose at the time, but many times these patterns are no longer useful for the adult.  Children also form beliefs in childhood continue to run in adulthood.

I had a client who believed that worrying about someone meant that she cared.  You can see how difficult it would be for her to stop worrying about those she cared about, until she was able to change that old belief.  I had another client who felt that if she didn’t worry something bad would happen.  She had an number of experiences in her very traumatic childhood where she learned that just it wasn’t safe to just be, she had to run every possible consequence through her mind to keep her safe from her alcoholic parent.  She learned that worry protected her, so that even as an adult, she found it difficult to let go of the old belief that if you don’t worry something bad will happen.  There are techniques to change these types of patterns and beliefs, which are best done with someone trained in Transformation System.

There are techniques you can learn where you use your own thoughts to change old patterns.

It may surprise you to learn that you can get relief from even the most painful feelings. These techniques are easy to learn and with practice they can become part of a new way of reacting to worry

If you feel anxiety, worry, sadness or even anger, you already have the secret of changing these feeling. It does require knowing how your mind works which gives us information that can be used to change old patterns. 

The first mind calming exercise gives you a chance to see things from a calmer state of mind.  Then it is easier to use more advanced hypnotic techniques.  Click here for the video guide.