Trance for Weight Loss and other issues

Today Lisa will be talking about trance.

Before we get to her post it is important to know that there are two types of hypnosis.  Classical and Ericksonian.   Lisa’s post will discuss how she will be using Classical hypnosis and trance, and who would benefit from this type of hypnosis.  Although other therapists at the Anxiety Control Center are also trained in classical hypnosis, they rely more  the techniques in the Transformation System, to create deep change.  Although the Transformation System does use classical hypnosis at times it relies more heavily on Ericksonian Hypnosis and NLP in combination with cognitive and behavioral techniques.  We have found that Ericksonian Hypnosis and NLP create changes on a deeper levels by healing at the root.  The the Transformation System is also used for issues that don’t respond to classical hypnosis.

One of the reasons we are so excited to have Lisa join us, is that the cost of doing classical hypnosis will be less than using the full Transformation System.   And is it an excellent place to start in the journey to health and healing.

Lisa will now tell you what issues she will be working with.

Hello again, I’m Lisa Kilburg and I look forward to your questions.  There are differences in what Classical and Ericksonian  hypnosis are used for. So, let’s first talk about what the type of hypnosis I will be using  and what it is most suited for.  Classical hypnosis lends itself to  issues like smoking, relaxation, weight loss and is wonderful for healing of all types.

The are similar in they both use a trance state.

What is a Trance?
When discussing hypnosis the word trance often comes up.  The word itself may sound a little strange to some.  The definition of trance is an altered state of consciousness.  Some people explain it as focused concentration. There are many types of trances.  It could be spiritual, meditative, or just day dreaming or “zoning out”.  Some people are in a trance during prayer.

As a hypno-counselor when I work with someone I guide them into a trance by talking softly, perhaps focusing on an object and playing soft music.  If you have ever meditated before this is a good way to explain a trance state.  A trance is a natural state that we all experience at some time.  You can learn how to put yourself in a trance.  Did you drive somewhere and remember getting on a certain exit and getting off a certain exit but everything in between is a blur.  You have driven this route so many times before you do it without thinking.  This is like a trance state.

You cannot get stuck in a trance.  Even if you fall asleep during a trance you would just wake up.  It is not a form of control.  You are always in control and able to break a trance state any time you want.

Trance is important in Hypno-counseling  because when in trance we are in a state of relaxation and heightened suggestibility.  You are able to achieve a much deeper calm and peace while in trance.  When you learn how to do this yourself it will help alleviate stress and anxiety.  Suggestions can be made when in a trance state to help achieve positive change.

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