Traumatic Memories Can Be Healed

In the last post we were looking at the difference between trying to change old reactions using 2 different methods.  One is just using the cognitive part of the mind and finding that it might work  for a while but the frustration sets in when the old traumatic memories resurface again and again.  

The method I was suggesting instead is, in addition to the cognitive part of the mind, add to this the emotional (unconscious) power we have inside of us.  I was talking about hypnotic techniques we use with the clients who come to the Anxiety Control Center.   To understand why hypnotic techniques help people to get the changes they desire,  it’s important to understand more about how the mind works.  As we look at where reactions of anger, fear, hurt and worry really come from, it will make it clear why just using the conscious part of the mind doesn’t work to stop memories from surfacing.

Let’s look at changing reactions to old traumatic memories:

When you try to fix deeply held emotional suffering on the conscious level it is like trying to fix a glitch that appears on the computer screen without going into the program that is causing the glitch. The error will continue to show up on the computer screen.

On the other hand when we heal the “inner child” by releasing the emotions held in the unconscious, the release of emotions will effect how you react in the present.   Healing a childhood memory creates changes that heal all the way through your life line.  This is what changes reactions to present day events.

In the last post I was talking about healing at a deeper level.  I like to use a metaphor to explain the conscious and the unconscious.   Easiest way to understand the two different parts of the mind is to s by comparing the mind (conscious and unconscious) to a computer.   The computer screen can be compared to the conscious mind.   The computer screen can only hold a limited amount of information at any one time.  This is similar to the conscious part of the mind, which can also hold only a limited amount of information.   On the other hand the computer memory hold all that goes on within the programming of the computer,  this  is why I compare it to the unconscious part of the mind.  For the unconscious part of the mind contains every memory, on every event that has ever happened in a person’s life.   It also holds the resources we need to solve deeper issues and problems.

Anyone who works on the computer probably will know the frustration of what happens when you try to fix a glitch on the computer screen, without going to the programming where the problem really is.  If you just change the error showing up on the computer screen, the error will continue to pop up.

A least that is what I have found when I’ve tried to fix a glitch on my computer screen or on my website.  Although I may be an expert in helping people to use their own mind, I have learned this information doesn’t translate to computer issues.   It seems to me that a whole new language is necessary to fix computer glitches.   And when I have tried to fix a computer or HTML issue on my website without going to the programming (coding),   countless hours are lost,  and the problem remains.

There of course is an amazing difference if I call someone who understands how to change HTML coding, or programming glitches that are causing the computer error.  Miraculously they understand how to go to the “inside memory or coding” and the computer error is fixed.   Going to an expert when having computer issues saves time and lots of frustration.

It is very similar with the mind.  Trying to fix a deeply held emotion or reaction to a traumatic memory without going to where the deeper issue or “coding or program” is held, leads to frustration and to feeling hopeless.   So don’t give up, there is help out there.

If you have been trying to fix a problem that keeps surfacing, if you are feeling depressed and frustrated, it may be time to call in an expert.   Therapists who are trained in using the Transformation System, who have studied the mind and who have the skills and know-how to help you to reprogram, and help you heal the inner emotions,  so your mind and your reactions are in line with what you desire.

I digress, yet it is important information and continuing in the next post   we’ll get back to answering the how to shake old memories that you’d like to forget.

The amazing thing about the human mind is that we are able to learn to use the power we have within us, to re-structured and heal negative emotions and patterns – and break free of old traumatic memories.

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