Trigger relaxation using the "right" part of the mind

The reason we don’t usually have much success with just telling ourselves to “just relax”  or  by making statements such as: “I won’t be angry” is that what is stored in the unconscious determines how we will react to present day events.

To use the part of the mind where you can actually re-program things we need to go to the root of where reactions come from, the unconscious part of the mind.  A light trance state helps to get to this part of the mind that holds the program for reactions.

Hypnosis help us to purposely create a trance state where it is possible to get to information held in the unconscious part of the mind.  Once there it is also possible to release old “junk”, change negative habits, patterns, reactions and to get unstuck.

OK,  let’s continue this experiment from yesterday:We were discussing changing a pattern by using the conscious part of the mind and why is typically doesn’t work.

Just think about a time when you’ve told yourself not to be angry at someone.  Or a time you were overwhelmed and told yourself to “just relax.”   Did it work?

Does change happen just by saying it should?  Are you able to instantly relax by telling yourself to do so?  Are you able to stop being angry because you decide to?

It is possible to change how we “ACT”  even if we still have emotion underneath.  For this we can use the cognitive (conscious) part of the mind.  But many times we may “act” calm on the outside while the heart is pounding or emotions raging on the inside. one way

There is a way to feel totally different “inside”.   Imagine how wonderful it will be when you can not only change the outside action, but also feel calm, serene and peaceful  deep inside yourself no matter what is going on outside of yourself.

Unless you have been practicing meditation or know how to go into a trance state, trying to relax by telling yourself to relax (this is what I call using the conscious part of the mind) just doesn’t work.

In truth sometimes after working with a hypnotist, the hypnotist can say “RELAX” and the client will immediately fall into a relaxed state.   The reason the word “relax” works in that situation is that the trigger for relaxation has already been set into the unconscious while you were working with the hypnotist.

You can also learn how to self-program in triggers that cause relaxation.

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