Understanding how the mind works to stop worry

This is a continuation of the post on stopping worry from May 16th post.

There are 2 things you need to use this technique to stop worry.
1. An understanding of how the mind works, both on the conscious and unconscious level.
2. And a step-by-step method of creating what you want in your life, instead of what you don’t want

To understand the way your mind works it’s important to know that there are two major ways that people create negative, uncomfortable feelings.
1) Thinking about upsetting past events.
2) Thinking about awful things that might happen in the future

Stress is created when you concentrate on all the possible negative scenarios that have happened in the past or might come about in the future.  The thoughts, pictures and memories that move through your mind trigger feelings of worry, sadness, overwhelm, fear and insecurity.  Thoughts can even create pain in the body.  Sometimes you are aware of the thoughts, and at other times you are completely unaware.

The good news is that you can get relief from even the most painful feelings by learning to change thought patterns that bring them about.

Let’s begin with the 3 steps you will need to start changing patterns of thought that are creating stress and worry in your life. . .    continued in the next post.

Download your first “tool” for
creating changing worry.

Sign in at the top right side of this page.

You will get the instructions to 2 exercises.
Start with the breathing exercise
to change your state of mind, and then use the
changing second exercise
to help change negative thinking.

So do this now, download
the easy to learn exercises
by signing in at the upper right side of this page.
You will be sent the written instructions as a PDF.

If you would like more coaching on
using other techniques from the Transformation System
to quiet stress and anxiety
go to action ends procrastination

We still have a few spots left for the class
starting May 26th 2010.
Looking forward to you becoming a
part of 
this supportive online community.