Understanding the 2 parts of the mind for change

Today we’ll be talking more about the 2 parts of the mind. The conscious and the unconscious.

Here are a few facts about the unconscious part of the mind.

1. The unconscious works for our well being.
2.  We might give a directive on a conscious level but it is the unconscious that carries it out.
3. The unconscious is at work even when we are not aware of all that is is doing,
For example:  Without any conscious thought the unconscious  monitors your breathing, heartbeat and all the chemicals moving in your body . This is done without any effort from our conscious mind.
4.  The unconscious is at work even when the conscious part of your mind is asleep.
Once the program is set in during childhood the unconscious keeps it running automatically.  You stay on the bed even while you toss, turn, dream and sleep.

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