Using Pain to stop Negative Thoughts. Is there a better way? part 4

Continued from part 3.

Hello again I’m Audrey Sussman and this is Part 4, the last in this series about stopping negative thinking.  Today I’ll give a quick template of how to use the Rubber Band Snap so you can use it in a positive (not body damaging) way.

Please send me your questions and thoughts about negative thinking, panic, phobia’s or any of issue you are dealing with. I will either answer you personally or will create a post if many people are asking the same question.

And once again if someone in authority, even someone that seems wise and charismatic tells you to do something, if it sounds wrong, please trust you gut, your inner guidance.  If something seems “not quite right”  at least sleep on the information as you pay attention to the wisdom of your own mind.

In my many years of helping people to stop procrastinating, to get over phobias, and to stop panic and negative thinking, I have found that the set up for these problems starts in early childhood.  It is in childhood that most of our negative messages and beliefs are learned. Even if you were to use the painful exercise to stop negative thoughts, creating pain won’t change the limiting belief that is at the root.  Pain will probably will cause a person to repress the thoughts, and that can create other problems.

There is a way to use your own mind to change limiting beliefs at the root.  It involves using the Transformation System, which provides a much kinder and quicker way to stop negative thoughts. By using the system you can get to the root of the problem and then reprogram reactions that get in the way of living our lives to the fullest. Once that happens you probably won’t need to use this Rubber band snap exercise.

That being said the Rubber Band Snap can be useful.  It can “snap” you out of a negative  rut.  And it can be used without creating bodily harm.

Although there are many other techniques, this is a good one to start with if you remember the purpose.  It is to just get to to stop and pay attention.  There once you have stopped the pattern you can  add positive statements, or look at the problem from a new perspective.

Quick Overview of the Rubber Band Snap Technique

1. You do put the rubberband on your wrist

2. You just snap it slightly to “snap” you back to the present.  It should not leave  a red mark.

3. Then, you loudly say the word  STOP.

4. Take a deep breath.  If you have downloaded my “HAAA breath”, that one works great here.

5.  Replace the negative thought with an alternative positive one. (I have written about how to create positive “mantra’s” under a different post)

There is some skill required to create alternative positive thoughts that will serve to reprogram the mind.

I will be happy to send full directions for this technique to all that contact me at  Just tell me what your negative thought is and how you’d tried to change it.  I’ll be happy to have a conversation with you during one of my teleseminars to create powerful alternative thoughts. And will also go over the details of the rubber-band snap technique.

Before spending a lot of time writing about this exercise I’m asking you to contact me, so I’ll know if these posts are helpful to you and to be honest I am want to see if there is interest in this type of exercise.

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2 responses to “Using Pain to stop Negative Thoughts. Is there a better way? part 4”

  1. People often don’t know how much emotion they are bottling up until it all comes to a head. It happens suddenly and they blow up in your face because of the pent up stress. They must let that stress out otherwise it will undo them.

  2. Generally I do not post on blogs, – but I would like to say that this post really forced me to do so! really nice post.