What can Self-Hypnosis and Trance Do For You?

There are many words that are used to describe trance.  You might hear it referred to as an altered state, or a hypnotic state, or a relaxed state.  Some people use the words hypnosis or self-hypnosis to describe this inner focused state.

You might be wondering why is it important to learn to go into a hypnotic or trance state.

One reason to use a trance state is that in the hypnotic state you will find it becomes more easy focus on what is important.  Another good reason for using an altered state is it gives you access to the unconscious part of your mind.  That is the part where repressed memories and emotions are held.  It is also the part that you can tap into to get important information and release stuck emotions and beliefs.  And the major reason that I feel learning to go into a trance state is important is that once you learn to go into this state you are accessing the part that hold solutions which are not available in the ordinary “conscious” state of mind.  I have written a lot more about the conscious and unconscious state of mind in other my  articles.  The important thing for this article is that you can learn to use a light state of trance to get to the information held in your own unconscious mind.

If you have had a certain pattern of behavior or thought that you have been trying to change, you’ll find it it possible to get true, lasting change by going to the unconscious using a light trance state.  You can do this on your own.  When you add the help of someone trained in hypnosis it enables you to look at things that wouldn’t be easy to do on your own.  It takes a lot of strength to allow someone to guide you and it is a gift to yourself to seek out someone you can trust to mentor you in this powerful way.

Of course we hope that you choose to learn more about the therapists at the Anxiety Control Center and contact us for this guidance.  But no matter how you choose to start this journey, on your own, reading books or calling for guidance it can prove to b a powerful ally in your movement to the most powerful, calm, serene you.

Let’s do a simple beginning exercise. 

You can read the exercise over or can record the exercise and listen to it as a guide into this beginning trance state.  Although this is a very simple beginning exercise, doing it can provide positive, and powerful benefits.  We will use the breath and color for this first experience.

When you see the three dots (. . .) that means take a pause.


Just allow yourself to begin to notice where you are right now.  If you are sitting in a chair or resting in bed, just become aware of the feeling of the support under you.  Without trying to do anything, no need to relax,  just notice how it feels to be supported by the chair or bed you are in right now.  Feel you legs touching the chair under you,  and as you notice the feeling of your legs touching the chair, pay attention to the feeling of your arms resting comfortably in your lap or on the chair.  And as you are beginning to notice the feeling of the support under the different parts of your body . . .
When you are ready to move to the next part of this learning,  just allow you eyes to close . . .
And begin to notice your breath. . . 

Just noticing the air as you breath in. . . and out . . .
Not trying to make anything happen at all.  Just noticing your breath,  as you breath in . . . and out. . .     

Imagine that there is a beautiful light that is surrounding you . . .
And with your next breath inhale this light. . .
Let this light to move through your body and mind.
Filling you easily without any effort. . .
On each inhalation let the light fill you with its’ infinite source of comfort and healing.
And on your next exhalation just let go . . . releasing your breath . . .
Being curious as you once again breath in this infinite source of light that is surrounding you . . .
Beautiful light filling you up.
And as you notice the color of light you all around you. . .
You can know that your unconscious mind has picked the very color you need. . .
Every color has its’ own positive vibration.
And the color may change with each practice or it might stay the same. 

Trust you own unconscious mind to choose the color that will give you what you most need at the time,  white. . .  pink. . .   blue. . .    red. . . . orange. .  . .  yellow. . .   violet. . .  each hold a positive vibration.
You might come up with even more variation or color as you practice . . .

Notice your body as you have taken in the color. . .
You may already be noticing positive changes. . .
Spend a few more moments . . . or as long as you choose and then begin to gently come back to the “present.” 

Back into the room you are in.
Back . . . noticing the feelings of being filled with the infinite source of healing light.
All the way back. . . sitting in the chair or bed you are in being curious about this experience.

How was that?  Okay, would you like to go even deeper?  Do you have any questions before going deeper into trance?
So once again feel the chair underneath you . . .
Not trying to make anything happen just staying curious as we move to the next part of your learning.

For another exercise in light trance, you can watch the free Mind Calming Video Guide, where you’ll learn a breathing technique to create a state of calm.
Just click the button below to sign in and watch the video.
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One response to “What can Self-Hypnosis and Trance Do For You?”

  1. Interesting, I just tried the exercise and it feels great. I would like to know more, I’ll sign up to your newsletter!
