Why do we procrastinate

Question:   Why do people procrastinate?

There are a number of reasons people procrastinate, they fall into a few different categories.

You can begin to uncover the underlying reasons by looking at the things you do when you are procrastinating.   For example, some people will think about the task at hand, and feel like they need to eat or sleep.   Although eating or needing to rest doesn’t move us in the direction of getting the task done, it does provide comfort.  Even if later you might regret using that activity.

Both sleeping and eating when stressed fall under the category of comfort. .  Sleeping does provide comfort and. eating of course is another way we comfort ourselves.

So this leads to the question to begin to find other ways for gaining comfort.

Question to ask yourself: What would you need to provide comfort that would work better than eating or sleeping?

1. Do you need to reassure yourself that you’ll get the task done?
2. Do you need to remember a time in the past when you accomplished a similar task?
3.  Is there information that is needed so you can feel more comfortable tackling the task?
4.  Is your goal so big that it is overwhelming?
5.  Do you need to learn how to set goals in a way that you will move towards them?

As you answer these questions you can begin to plan on trying new ways of gaining comfort that will move you towards your goals.  This is just a short sketch but you get the idea.

For Information on the upcoming 4 Module Course on
Stopping Fear, Panic, Anxiety
with a focus on Procrastination and Goal setting
go to http://www.actionendsprocrastination.com/workshop

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