Why habits don't change.

Today we continue to discuss the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind.   By understanding which part of the mind holds the unwanted “program” it makes it possible to change the programing. When there are things we don’t like in ourselves the unconscious part of the mind is usually where the root lies.

Sometimes it is easier to understand the difference between the conscious and unconscious by comparing  the two parts to the different parts of the computer.  The conscious mind can be compared to the screen on a computer, while the unconscious mind would be more similar to the hard drive, including all the programs running there.

As most of us know the hard drive has so much more information than what shows up on the computer screen.  When there is a glitch in the computer programming, no matter how many times we try to fix it on the computer screen, the glitch will continue until we fix  the faulty program.    To fix “faulty” programming in a human we go to the part of the mind where the programming is located, the unconscious.   By releasing or reprogramming old limiting beliefs, habits and repressed emotional issues at the root, true and lasting change can take place.

Because the unconscious is like the hard drive, with so much information, and of course the programs “set in” during childhood.  This is the part we go to in order to make lasting change.  To gain entrance to the unconscious we use hypnosis and trance.  The trance state makes it possible to release old emotions and reprogram new  habits, beliefs and move past what causes us to get stuck in life.

So, if you find yourself falling back into old patterns, cut yourself some slack.  It’s not because you haven’t tried to change, it doesn’t mean that you aren’t motivated it might be that you’re just using the wrong part of the mind.

So start by pulling out the the self blame and the resulting  frustration it causes.   Know that change is possible when you learn to  use the “right” part of the mind.  Falling back into old habits is typically  because the old program is still running, no matter your good intentions.  This can be changed, once you understand which part of the mind to use.   I have found this to be the case no matter how difficult the issue seems. For more information on this  and other “feeling stuck” issues look for our upcoming posts in the New Year.

We are still accepting questions for our upcoming teleseminar on procrastination and fear.  We have lots of questions we haven’t answered yet, we will continue posting the answers in the upcoming weeks.   To send your question just click on the word question it will take you to Audrey’s email. Put in your name and question and we hope yours will be one chosen for the upcoming teleseminar.

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