10 Essential Reminders to Reduce Stress


1. Inner peace is possible, even in the midst of a stressful event.

2. Stress originates in the way you think about things and what you say to yourself.

3. The experience of stress is the result of thought.

4.  It is your mind you can use it to your benefit.

5.  You can reprogram thoughts so they are enhancing and inspiring.

6.  Use the anchoring technique to create a state of excellence with the resources you already have.

7.  When you start to tap into your inner creative potential, you will feel uplifted and empowered.

8.   Even when you can’t change the situation, you can change the way you think about it.

9.   Stress is not something that happens to you, but rather something that develops because of the thoughts you have.

10. To begin to reprogram negative thinking.  Stop for a moment, and create two possible positive thoughts for each negative one.


One response to “10 Essential Reminders to Reduce Stress”

  1. […] Tempo wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptStress Relief Solutions, handouts Add comments. 10 ESSENTIAL REMINDERS TO REDUCE STRESS. 1. Inner peace is possible, even in the midst of stressors. 2. Stress originates in the way you think about things and what you say to yourself. … […]