60 Seconds to Calm

The 60 Seconds to Calm exercise works great
to quiet a racing mind, and to reduce anxiety and fear.  

The detailed written directions are below.
We also have an easy to follow video.

Click here to get the video: Mind Calming Video Guide
Just sign up and I’ll email it to you right now.

We recommend watching the free video the first time you do the exercise:

1.  It is easier to follow when Audrey leads you through the exercise.

2.  There is a healing at the end of the video that people find very powerful.  

So, click the button below to sign up with your email.
Then make sure to watch to the entire video for the energy healing at the end.  

Written Directions for the 60 Seconds to Calm Exercise

The calming “HA” Breath for relaxation and beginning self-hypnosis

  • START with the calming  “HAAA BREATH.”
  • It is the easiest way to begin changing the stress response.

The calming HAAA Breath is the beginning step in the process of
gaining relaxation when you want it.

It is one of the easiest skills to use.  The only effort required
is to learn proper breathing patterns.

This new pattern changes the message in the brain from,
send more adrenaline to things are safe, no more adrenaline is needed.

This breath leads to a settling down feeling in the body
as the body again seeks balance.

HAAA Breath, the 60 Second Instant Relaxer

1.  Start this exercise with a short 2-second inhalation.

2.  Hold your breath for the count of 4.

3. Next you exhale with your mouth open, making a soft “HAAAA” sound for the count of at least eight seconds. The longer you exhale, the better this exercise will work for you.

An important part of this exercise,
is to make a sound like you are saying a soft “HAAAA”

4.  When you have released as much breath as you think you can, push out a little bit more.

5.  Then, inhale gently for the count of 6 to 8.

6.  Hold for the count of 4.

7.  Continue with step #3 (exhale).

8.  Repeat two more times.

A complete breath consists of three full repetitions
that are done at least 3 times a day:

1.  Upon arising
2.  At lunchtime
3. When going to sleep
4.  In addition, do the HAAA breath in times of stress

There are many more easy to learn techniques to quiet the mind.
This 60 second exercise is a good one to start with.

If you would like to discuss this technique or learn more about other techniques that can be used for calm.

Contact me by signing up for a Free Consultation, we can discuss your goals and the best ways for us to work together to get you free of anxiety, stress and worry.

Sign Up Now for a Free Discovery Consultation