Hypnosis opens the doorway to unconscious

Today I’ll begin by answering questions many of you have sent in.

Then in the next month I’ll be giving information on tips
relieving stress in children
and other parenting tools.

Today I’ll begin with a quick answer to the question
Why use hypnosis ?

What can self-hypnotic techniques do for you.

Why I use hypnosis:   I believe it is vital for quick, lasting change.  I use hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming in all of my programs.

There are many reasons  to learn to use hypnosis and self-hypnosis.  The first is that Hypnosis  opens the doorway to the power of the unconscious mind. The unconscious holds resources needed to change old habits quickly and permanently.  Hypnosis also allows you the ability to tap into inner strengths that are stored in the unconscious.  It can also be used to get to the underlying root and release old emotional “junk”.   When you learn to use hypnosis techniques you can change old negative reactions and limits at the very root of where they started.

In the upcoming weeks I’ll continue to post tips for reducing stress and fear in children.  And will be adding a new section on communication secrets that can make it easy to get your children to listen. Note: These tips work great with adults too.

Looking forward to hearing from you, with questions or comments.

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